The course
Look forward to a lightning-fast course through the best of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg

The Copenhagen Half Marathon course starts on Jagtvej and finishes on Øster Allé in the beautiful green surroundings of Fælledparken in Østerbro. From here, the course goes through Østerbro, Inner City, Vesterbro, Frederiksberg, and Nørrebro on a course that shows runners the absolute best of the capital.

Kongens Nytorv (The Kings’s New Square), Frederiksberg Allé, the Lakes, Østerbrogade, and Nørrebrogade as well as the Marble Church, Børsen, Christiansborg, Blocks, and the Black Diamond are just some of the highlights and attractions you will experience during the 21.0975 kilometers, where spectator support is also world-class.

With some of the world’s best half marathon times, CPH Half has established itself internationally as one of the fastest half marathons. Wide, flat asphalt roads, complete closure to traffic, soft closed turns, and many straight stretches ensure a great race experience for both recreational and elite runners.

A party of 21,0975 km

Running a half marathon is tough, but don’t worry. We’ve packed the route with plenty of refreshment zones, fun, and entertainment spots to help you forget about those tired legs.

Refreshment Zones

You can get water and energy drinks at all the refreshment stations along the route. We recommend that you drink a little at all refreshment stations to stay hydrated – even if you’re not thirsty.


“Don’t just party after the race – party during the race!” At CPH half, we don’t wait until the race is over to party. The race is the party, and that’s why we’ve placed bands and DJs all along the route to get you going.

Power Zones

Need a little extra energy on your run? Then look forward to running through our Power Zones. They’re like tornadoes of music, noise, entertainment, and wild spectators where you’ll come out on the other side with renewed energy.

The Refreshment zones

There are 5 official refreshment zones along the route as well as a Red Bull sampling spot.

All depots are located on both sides of the road and there are signs 100 meters before a zone so you’re prepared.

Here’s what you’ll find in the refreshment zones:

  1. Water and energy drinks are served in all refreshment zones
  2. Water will be available both before and after the energy drink
  3. Water is served in 100% plastic-free, biodegradable cups
  4. Energy drinks are served in 100% plastic-free, biodegradable cups with the High5 logo
  5. All zones also have showers with cold water, toilets and vaseline, as well as medic teams

In connection with all the refreshment zones, there are drop zones where you can dispose of waste such as drinking cups and packaging from energy products.

Try our interactive map

From Power Zones to refreshment zones, entertainment, and attractions.

Our interactive route map gives you an easy overview of everything happening both on and along the Copenhagen Half Marathon course.

Click the button below and dive into the most fun 21,097 kilometers you’ll run this year.

Try the interactive map